Fox 17’s Morning Mix Interview
- Thank you to Fox 17 for interviewing us this morning about what we do, and our up coming Community Dog Walks! See link below.
Join other dog owners for a Community Dog Walk in Ada Village
Join other dog owners for a Community Dog Walk in Ada Village
Join us for a community dog walk at Paddock Place! Starting once a month in May, and going through September. Meet at 6:30pm to go for a 30 minute walk. Green Dog Photography or Buddies Pet Photography will be joining us to capture all the fun. We’ll return back to Paddock Place for some refreshments and lawn games. Furniture City Creamery will be there in their ice cream truck, handing out FREE pup cups of ice cream for the dogs. Ice cream will also be available for purchase. Hope to see you there! DATES: 5/29, 6/26, 7/31, 8/28, 9/25 all starting at 6:30pm